Saturday, March 8, 2008

Two-Word Phrases

"No bye" (S-E) - meaning 'don't stop' when Jose asked if he could stop a game they were playing. (19m-1wk)

"Bye Mann!" (E-G) - saying good-bye to a friend. Seconds later she observed more men on the street, and observed "Minner" (G) - the first 'official' recurring plural. (19m-1wk)

"Komm, Bubu" (G-E/G) - asking mummy to come and sit down so Tara can have a "booboo" (boob - I am still nursing Tara (19m-1wk)

"Sit down" (E) - drags mum to a corner or the sofa, wanting to be played with or fed. She's been saying "Sitz!" (G) until recently (5.3.), and for about 2 or 3 weeks, but 'sit down' seems to become dominant at the moment. (19m-1wk)

"Mama casa" (S) - Mummy is/will be at home (casa, S, home). When Jose picks up Tara from nursery, she asks for Mama, and he tells her she will be at home, en casa. (ca 18m-2wk+) She also says it to me when she's come home and 'discusses' her day with me.

- will add more phrases when I observe them -

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