So when did I say I was going to sit down and sort my messy notes out? Tomorrow? Well. At least the last two weeks' pile is a neat one, and I've started the next two weeks' one, but really am too tired to sort them out.
(See also here.)
"Mama Bett. Papa Bett. Kacha (Tara) Bett. Up/Ab! (R)unter!" (GG.GG.GG.E/G.G) just being the easily recognizable part of her speeches: We're all in bed (as we should be) but let's all get up now and go downstairs - at 4.30 I don't think so. Neither do I have pen and paper to catch any of this cold verbal shower. Talking of 'catch' - that's a new favourite, and Tara's perfect excuse to go about slapping people. "Catch booboo!" *slap! mum on chest* "Catch Mama!" *slap! mum in the face* "Aame catch!" *slap! Tara on arms*
"Catch" is English. Clearly nothing to do with the good manners I try to teach her, or else it would be German ;-). "Ey!" spricht Mama. "Hier wird nicht gehauen!"
Anyway, what with the lists a mess for now, I'll share yesterday's notes, shall I? (21m)
New words and phrases observed:
E - poorly, dam (jam), come on!, t-shirt, cuddles, I-see-ya, one-two-free (1-2-3), daddy
S - cama ('bed')
G - Fe'a (Feder, 'feather')
Clever things said ;-)
E - "Baby poorly - Baby sick-sick-sick" - "Papa dam (jam) all-gone. Finished!" - "peekaboo - I-see-ya!"
S - "guau-guau culo" ('doggy's bum') -
G - "Papa make siek" (Papa makes music, N-E-G) - "Lecker Papa alle-alle" (She says 'lecker' (tasty) for 'yoghurt, daddy's yoghurts are finished) - "Papa kuscheln" (cuddle daddy) - Mamis Jacke (mum's jacket) - Mamis Hand (mum's hand)
Mixed - "Kötzene tuck!" ('Klötzchen stuck', her bag of play blocks were stuck, G-E) - "Fünlück all-gone" ('Frühstück all-gone', breakfast is finised, G-E) - "guau-guau ball come-on" (doggy ball come on, S-E-E) - "Finished, Mama!" (Finished, Mummy, E-G)
Isn't she clever ;-)
I was most amused when she came out with a whining 'Eh! Eh! Come on!" when I was trying to get some rest on the sofa and the midget disagreed; Jose was least amused with being referred to as 'daddy'.
Talking about rest, time to go to bed. Armed with a pear, a treat and a banana, and all fingers crossed for a night that ends at nearer to 7 than 4.30!