Monday, January 28, 2008

18 Months

Vocabulary, regularly used

Foodstuffs: nane (banana, G), Kiisch (Quiche),Tee (tea, G), Paicha (Pasta, G), kekchup, (yum, G), Eija (eggs, G), Mais (sweet corn, G), Mi(l)ch (milk, G)
Toys: Bü (book, G?), Püppi, tedde (teddy), Maus (mouse), car
Animals: Wauwau (doggy, S/G), aicha (squirrel, G), qua-qua (duck, G/S), piu-piu (bird, S)
Imitates animal sounds: dog, horse, monkey, ducks, frogs, shrieking seagulls
Mostly uses igns for: birds, ducks.
Family & folk: Mama, Mami, Papa, Papi, Amma (Grandma, G, and other older women), Appa (Grandpa, G, and other older men), Aicha (Tita Isa), nene (boy, S), nena (girl, S)
Sensations: Aua (ouch, G), oh-oh (for accidents, E), wow (for amazement, G/E), heich (hot, G), kalch (cold, G), nice
Others: nuna (moon, S), Meja (Sea, G), ma! (more, G/S?), meja (more, G), geich (soon, G), da (there, G), das (that, G), baich (bathe, G), ham (eat, G), a(g)ua (water, S), ab/up (off/up), auf (open, also used for 'get up', G), nak'sch (naked, G), and of course the classics, ja (yes, G) and no (S not E!)

Most complex sentences:
"Booboo ham!", "Mama car", "Hiya Papa geich?"

Some sound confusingly similar. Bird (piu-piu) can sound a lot like Papa, and squirrels have the honour of sharing a name with Tita Isa. The only one that confuses us is aua (ouch, G) - a(g)ua (water, S) - if a drop of water hits her head and she says aua, is she complaining that it hurts her, or is she observing that that's water?

Most of what she says seems to be German - not a surprise given the amount of time we spend together at the moment. But nursery is already having an effect: She's signed for 'more' in her last session, and mummy is well proud. But aren't we anyway...

Tara @ 12m, and Tara @ 18m. Magic, innit?

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