Monday, July 27, 2009

National Identity

Tara and Jose had a proper argument about her nationality (which is Spanish, by passport), within a week after out return from our holiday in Germany.

Jose is trying to tell Tara the word for 'seagulls', 'gabiotas'.
Tara: I can't say that.
Jose: You can't say 'gabiotoas'? Why not?
Tara: Because I'm Germany.
Jose: No, you're Spanish.
Tara: No, I'm German!
Jose: You're also Spanish.

They argue for a few minutes, Tara just keeps shouting, I'm ONLY GERMAN! She is quite upset by Jose's claim that she is Spanish (only).
(Some day we will look into getting her a German passport - unfortunately the application procedure is very elaborate, involving lots of paperwork, an "application" for her family name (!) which apparently needs "approving" and both parents' presence in London.)

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